Get a boost of Potassium, Antioxidants, and Healthy Fats with this Avocado Blueberry Smoothie. Use this to 'break-the-fast', as a snack, or even as a dessert to keep you satiated with these incredibly healthy ingredients!
To make approx 2 servings:
What you will need:
1 Avocado
1 cup Kale (no stems)
1 cup Spinach
4-6 inches of Cucumber
1 cup Blueberries
8oz Unsweetened Coconut Water
Optional: Can add 2 tbsp of Ground Flax Seeds and/or
½ Can of Unsweetened Coconut Milk for even more Healthy Fats when using this recipe as a meal.
…and don’t forget to always buy ORGANIC!

What you will do:
– Blend all ingredients until smooth and enjoy!
(Be sure to refrigerate any unused servings and use within 24 hours.)
