A simple dessert recipe that combines healthy fat with a little bit of sweetness...without the massive insulin spike!
To make approx 2 servings:
What you will need:
1 cup Unsweetened Canned Coconut Milk
(about 1/2 can)
1 cup cooked Brown Rice
1 tbsp Maple Syrup
(or Raw Honey)
A dash of Cinnamon
…and don’t forget to always buy ORGANIC!
What you will do:
– Pour the Coconut Milk into a small pot over medium heat and bring to a simmer.
– Add the cooked brown rice and maple syrup and stir until evenly combined.
– Let mixture simmer for about 5 minutes
(it will thicken as the liquids continue to boil off).
– Let it cool, sprinkle with a dash of Cinnamon, and enjoy!
