Coconut Chocolate Creamy Creation

With a frosty-like consistency, this tasty treat is loaded with healthy fats and vital nutrients...without any of the chemicals, dairy, or added sugar that will undermine your results. You can customize your toppings to your Nutrition Plan and enjoy this creation as a healthy dessert, full meal, or even when you break-the-fast!

Recipe makes 2-4 servings and weighs in at 68% Healthy Fat to help maintain a Ketogenic protocol.

What you will need:

Coconut Chocolate Creamy Creation1

1/2 Can (210g) Unsweetened Organic Coconut Milk 
(Full-fat, not Lite)

2T (12g) Organic Cacao Powder   

1T (10g) Organic Chia Seeds

2T (18g) Whole Organic Flax Seeds

1/3 Cup (70g) Organic Mango 
(ideally frozen)
+1/6 Cup (35g) Organic Mango

(added later on)

1/2 Cup (70g) Organic Blueberries
(ideally frozen)

Note: You can alter the ratio of Mango:Blueberries to cater to your sweet-tooth using more Mango, but aim to scale down and favor the Blueberries as your brain adapts to less sugar.

For the Toppings:

1T (6g) Organic Unsweetened Coconut Flakes

1tsp (3-4g) Organic Cacao Nibs

What you will do:

In Advance: You may need to chill the can of coconut milk in the fridge for 1-2 hours prior to use in order to achieve a thicker cream consistency.

– Blend all of the ingredients (except for the extra 1/6 Cup Mango and the Toppings) on HIGH for 1-minute.

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– You may need to stop and shake/mix the ingredients if contents are not hitting the blade.

– Blend for 1 additional minute on LOW if needed to help create a frosty-like consistency.

– Now add the 1/6 Cup (35g) of Organic Mango Chunks you kept aside.

– Note: If you did not use FROZEN mango/blueberries, it may be helpful to add 1/4 Cup of ice when looking to achieve an ‘ice-cream’ texture.

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– PULSE the added Mango (and ice if needed) in the blender for a total 5-7 times.

– Once your creation reaches a frosty-like consistency it is ready to go!

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Easy to Spoon on-the-go!...
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Serve and enjoy your creation as-is...

– Or add the toppings that best fit with your Nutrition Plan and enjoy your mindful serving!

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Topped with 1T Organic Unsweetened Coconut Flakes & 1tsp Organic Cacao Nibs

– Note: Placing your creation in the fridge for 30+ minutes will cause it to thicken more.

– Be sure to store left-overs in the fridge.

Looking to change up this recipe?
Let’s further customize this creation to your needs during your next Consultation Call!
