Overnight Loaded Steel Cut Oats Recipe: (Nut-Free Version)

Here is the nut-free version of a great recipe for a breakfast dish that is packed with healthy fats. Just prepare the night before and it's ready to go in the morning!

To make approx 5-6 servings:

What you will need:

1.5 Cups Steel Cut Oats

1.5 Cups Unsweetened Coconut Milk

2-3 Tbsp Chia Seeds

1-2 Tbsp Hemp Seeds (Hemp Hearts)

2 Tbsp Ground Flax Seeds

4 Tbsp (1/4 Cup) Sunflower Seeds

1-3 Tbsp Ground Cinnamon

1 Pinch of Pink Himalayan Salt

1 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract

…and don’t forget to always buy ORGANIC!

What you will do:

– Mix all ingredients in a large dish or bowl.
– Place in the fridge overnight.

Overnight Loaded Oats Nut Free

-In the morning, give it a stir and dish out your mindful serving.
-Feel free to top with some Organic Berries if desired!

Overnight Loaded Oats Nut Free Bowl

-Great on-the-go for your weekly meal planning!

Overnight Loaded Oats Nut Free Jar
Be sure to store in the fridge.

Missing the Nuts?  Try the Original Recipe…

-Click Photo for Original Recipe-