Scott’s Simple Steel-Cut Oats

Steel-Cut Oats are a great 'meal prep' food. Here is what I do for my bulk recipe so my Oats are ready to go all week!

Use serving size on bag to determine your needs:

What you will need:

Organic Steel-Cut Oats

Organic Ground Cinnamon

Organic Raisins

Organic Ground Flax Seeds
(purchase whole flax seeds and grind)

Pink Himalayan Salt

What you will do:

– Follow the cooking instructions on the bag of Steel-Cut Oats for the amount of water needed and recommended cooking time. 
Optional: Add a bit of Pink Himalayan Salt to the water.

I’m a big fan of Bob’s Organic Steel-Cut Oats. 
Regular Oats will take approx 20mins and Quick Cooking Oats approx 7mins.

(Quick Cook Oats could potentially elicit a larger insulin spike.)

Simple Steel-Cut Oats pot

– Once the Oats are done cooking and desired texture is reached, add generous amounts of Organic Cinnamon and a small amount of Organic Raisins.

-Store in a large glass container in the fridge, or portion out into glass jars so they are ready when on-the-go!

Simple Steel-Cut Oats Bulk

– AFTER the Oats have cooled, add generous amounts of freshly ground Organic Flax Seeds. 
Flax Seeds should not be heated since they rancidify very easily.

(Ideally, buy whole Flax Seeds and use a coffee grinder or small attachment for blender to grind for a few seconds.  Excess can be stored in an air-tight container in the fridge for next time.)

Simple Steel-Cut Oats Serving

– Enjoy your mindful serving!
You can re-heat them in the oven (and add the ground flax seeds after)
or do as I do and enjoy them cold!  

-Can also be topped with some Organic Berries for an anti-inflammatory boost!

Simple Steel-Cut Oats blueberries top

…or some Organic Ground Turmeric!

Oats with Turmeric