Keto Avo Cacao Pudding

Looking for a chocolaty snack or dessert that doesn’t sabotage your results?

With approximately 65% healthy fat content, this Avocado Cacao Pudding is a great Ketogenic recipe to keep you satiated, energized, and guilt-free.


Recipe For Sleep: Calming The Brain

If you have racing thoughts that keep you from falling asleep at night, or that keep you from falling back to sleep, try this simple visualization game:   For 5-10 seconds: Picture yourself in that moment (step outside yourself and see yourself lying in bed). Then… For 5-10 seconds: Picture other people anywhere in the … Read more

Scott’s Super Stir-Fry

Grab a Wok and get ready to transform these ingredients into a delicious, nutrient-dense, healthy meal.

Avoid harmful Soy, Sesame, & Canola Oils and use your Fitness PROfessional’s recipe to ensure you are cooking to PROmote your health…not destroy it!