Classic Kale Chips

Here is an easy recipe that will help you replace traditional 'snacks' with a healthy one!

Total Time: Approx 20 Minutes

What you will need:

1 Bunch or Bag of Organic Kale
(Curly Kale, without stems)

1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
(ideally freshly squeezed from a Lemon)

2 Tbsp Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil
(can also substitute refined Avocado Oil, Ghee, or Grass-Fed Organic Butter)
(last option would be Olive Oil since it easily breaks down when heated)

1/4 tsp of Pink Himalayan Salt
(can also substitute Sea Salt)

What you will do:

– Pre-heat oven to 300-350 degrees. 
(depending on your oven)

– Chop or pull the clean and dry Kale leaves into small pieces.
(approx 1/2 inch in size)

– Combine all ingredients in a bowl and massage
the oil, lemon juice, and salt into the kale.

-Spread out evenly on a baking sheet and cook for approx 12mins, 
until desired crispiness is reached.
(chips will continue to crisp while cooling)

Classic Kale Chips baking sheet

-(Can also add some spice with chili powder, garlic powder, or onion powder.)

Classic Kale Chips bowl


Categories Recipes

1 thought on “Classic Kale Chips

  1. Definitely trying this one. In my non running state, need something healthy to snack on and this looks awesome.

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