PantryPic #926: Vitamin D3

-Only supplement with Vitamin D3 (NOT D2).
-Technically Vitamin D is a steroid hormone, not a Vitamin.
-We receive beneficial UVB rays to synthesize Vitamin D
(20-30mins sun exposure on bare skin should be sufficient).
-In NJ, the ideal window is from 
10am-2pm from April-Sept
(so supplementation is likely needed in the fall/winter months).

-Important to have bloodwork done to see if you are in the OPTIMAL range of 50-70 ng/ml

(Ideal test is called 25(OH)D, aka ’25-hydroxyvitamin D’).

-Typical Vitamin D dosage will be 2000-8000 IU’s/day and must be individualized. 

-Timing: Be sure to take in the daytime with some healthy fat since it is a fat-soluable vitamin.

 -A D3+K2 Supplement is considered ideal.
-Vitamin K2 (as MK-4 or MK-7, or a combination) is responsible for moving calcium into your bones/teeth
and removing excess from your arteries and soft tissues.
-Regularly consuming fermented vegetables (that are made with a K2 starter culture)
can help you meet your Vitamin K2 requirements, but proper supplementation may be needed.

“It’s not a Flu Season, it’s a Vitamin D Deficiency Season.”

...(the Vitamin K2 is the form of MK-4)

*always consult your doctor prior to starting any supplementation.*

+it is a good habit to smell your supplements to be sure they are high quality (odorless).