-A single-celled fresh water algae available in powdered or small tablet form.
-Must use ‘Cracked/Broken Cell Wall’ form for absorption.
-Highest Chlorophyll content of any plant.
-A natural chelator that can bind to toxins and remove them from the body.
-Research shows Chlorella can benefit insulin regulation, brain & liver function, digestion, inflammation, healing, immune function, skin, & weight loss.
*Japanese study showed that those consuming 4-6g of Chorella before heavy alcohol consumption were 96% less likely to suffer a hangover.
-Can be an essential supplement when looking to detoxify from harmful heavy metals for those exposed to mercury amalgam dental fillings, seafood, pesticides, public water, radiation, and medications or vaccines.
-It is estimated that 30% of people have difficulty digesting Chlorella, so if you burp up the taste then you may be one of those people.
-I recommend Fermented Chlorella which is easily digestible and adds the beneficial gut-health boost of fermented foods.
-Slowly building up to an initial detoxification dosage of 4-7g for 3-6 months is advised.
-A normal maintenance dosage is approx 3g/daily, using caution if you have strong symptoms of detoxification.
-Powdered Chlorella can be added to any Shake recipe that will help mask the strong taste.
-Detoxification benefits have been shown to be enhanced when combined with ingesting Cilantro.
Note: Chlorella will break a fast if you are using an Intermittent Fasting Protocol.
Timing: Can take with your first or last meal of the day. If using Fermented Chlorella there may be even greater benefits by taking with your last meal, or dividing over several meals.
*always consult your doctor prior to starting any supplementation.*