Flourish With Farm Fresh

‘Tis the season to take advantage of Farm Fresh Produce!

Visit your local farmers’ market to stock up on a variety of healthy produce that will allow you to flourish…without emptying your wallet.
Both of these trips cost UNDER $25!

Shopping at your local farm not only supports your community, but allows you to eat foods that are exposed to the soils, healthy bacteria, and pollen indigenous to your area yielding optimal health benefits.

Certified Organic foods are not available at your local farm? Don’t worry, just ask the farmer how they grow their crops and if any chemicals or pesticides are used. If this is not an option then you can still seek out the items on the Clean 15 at your local farmers’ market.

Gain access to customized PantryPics and Recipes with your Individualized Nutrition Plan. You will have all the resources and direct support YOU need in order to REACH and MAINTAIN your desired RESULTS!