PantryPic #100: Chia Seeds

-Look for Organic Chia Seeds (mostly black with a few white seeds).
-Highest source of plant-based Omega-3 Healthy Fats.
-Loaded with Fiber, Calcium, and Magnesium.

-Great for improving digestion and sustaining energy levels.

-Ideally, use soaked as in this Chia Seed & Almond Milk Recipe.
-Can also use whole or ground in Puddings, topping a Salad, Shakes, spreads,
in ground meat or fish dish, instead of breadcrumbs, or grind into chia flour for baking.

Chia Seeds Almond Milk
Chia Seeds & Almond Milk (click for video recipe)
Keto Avo Cacao Pudding4
Keto Avo Cacao Pudding (click for recipe)
Overnight Loaded Oats Nut Free Jar
Overnight Loaded Steel Cut Oats (click for recipe)
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Coconut Chocolate Creamy Creation (click for recipe)