PantryPic #1007: Mason Jars

2 Cup (16oz) and 4 Cup (32oz) Wide Mouth Ball Jars shown here

-Mason Jars.

-Great for storing your Grains, Legumes, Nuts, & Seeds and essential when Soaking or Sprouting them. 
-Store your homemade Nut Butter.
-Transport your Steel-Cut Oats, Chia Seeds, or Trail Mix. 
-Meal Prep your Shakes or Salads so they are ready to grab on the go!

How To: Soak & Sprout (click to view my article)
Scott’s Famous Nut Butter (click for recipe)
Overnight Loaded Steel Cut Oats (click for recipe)
De-flame, De-tox, De-licious Blueberry Shake!