PantryPic #101: Flax Seeds

-Look for Organic (brown or golden).
-MUST be ground in order to absorb the fiber. 
-Ideally buy whole flax seeds and grind them yourself before use
(using a coffee grinder or small blender).

-DO NOT heat flax seeds since they rancidify very quickly.

Great for adding some valuable Omega-3s to your Oats, Salads, and Shakes

flax seeds2
Golden Flax Seeds
Simple Steel-Cut Oats Serving
Scott’s Simple Steel-Cut Oats (click for recipe)
Avocado Blueberry Smoothie4
Avocado Blueberry Smoothie (click for recipe)
Coconut Chocolate Creamy Creation5
Coconut Chocolate Creamy Creation (click for recipe)