-Does not have to be Organic since on the CLEAN 15.
-Loaded with healthy fats, vitamins, and twice as much Potassium as a banana!
-Be sure to scrape the inside of the skin since it holds the most nutrients.
-The pit contains 70% of the antioxidants (can be stored, dehydrated, smashed, and blended for a salad topping).
-Once cut open, can squirt with lemon juice and store in air-tight container for a couple days.
-Great with poached eggs, used in Shakes, topping a salad, Homemade Pudding, or eaten straight!
(can also sprinkle with some Pink Himalayan Salt)

Tip: When on sale, buy the hardest/most green Avocados you can find and store them in the fridge. You can store them for about 3 weeks, just be sure to cycle out the ones you need 2-4 days prior to using. They are ripe when they slightly indent when squeezed with your thumb. You can also pop the stem off the top and it should be light green underneath, not brown.