-Sweet Potatoes are different from Yams, and not actually even Potatoes.
(May be labeled in store as Yams. The outside skin can be red, purple or brown,
and the inside flesh anywhere from white to yellow to red-orange.)
-Purple Sweet Potatoes contain even more antioxidants.
-Do not have to be Organic if unavailable since not on the Dirty Dozen.
– Be sure to eat the peel for all the valuable nutrients!
Preparation Tips
-Store in a dark, dry location and do NOT refrigerate before cooking
(also store away from Onions).
-Ideally, you can reduce acrylamide formation by soaking raw potatoes in water for 15 to 30 minutes before cooking.
-Cook on lower temperatures, do not overcook, and it’s more beneficial to cool them before eating.
(can be reheated after fully cooled, just be sure to avoid using a microwave)