PantryPic #237: Beets

-Organic Beets.
-Nitric Oxide content allows blood vessels to relax, aiding diabetics and those with high blood pressure.
-Beets help to lower inflammation, detoxify, and combat breast, prostate, and pancreatic cancers.
-Beets have the highest sugar content of any vegetable, so be mindful as you follow your Nutrition Plan.
(Fermented Beets may be a much better option since the sugar is eliminated during fermentation).
-Beets provide a boost of nitric oxide that can increase muscular strength and endurance.
(One study showed heart failure patients were able to increase muscular capacity by 13%).
-Peak performance occurs when beets are consumed 2-3 hours before exercise.
(However, the beneficial response can be negated if you alter your mouth bacteria by using mouthwash or chewing gum.)

-Beets are great raw in a Salad, Roasted with some Avocado Oil & Rosemary, or consumed as a healthy Beet Root Juice.
-Can also use the Beet Greens in your salad and sautée recipes since they contain even more beneficial properties.
-Use caution when cutting and cooking with Beets since their juice can easily stain clothing and surfaces.
(You can place a piece of parchment paper or brown paper on your cutting board prior to cutting in order to avoid staining.)

Note: Don’t be alarmed since Beets can even stain your feces red. 

kale cabbage beets goat feta
Kale, Red Cabbage, Beets, & Goat Feta
Beets Fermented
Fermented Beets offer Gut-Health benefits and virtually no sugar!
Beets Roasted
Roasted Beets in Avocado Oil (can add Rosemary or Thyme)
Kale, Roasted Beets, Goat Feta, Walnuts
Roasted Beets tossed with Kale, Goat Feta, & Walnuts

 There is no shortage of ways to incorporate Beets into your healthy diet: