PantryPic #361: Raw Honey

-Organic Raw Honey.
-Must be raw for benefits of live enzymes.
-Loaded with minerals, antioxidants, & probiotic health.
-A complete source of protein.
-Prominent food at ancient Olympic Games in Greece.
-Honey Bees visit 2 million flowers to make 1 jar of honey
(one bee makes 1/12 tbsp in its lifetime).

-Avoid regular honey since pasturization ruins the nutritional value and it can contain antibiotics and artificial sweeteners.
(Honey Bees feed off of their own honey, but non-organic practices will feed the bees high-fructose corn syrup).
-For even more superfood qualities, spring for some Manuka Honey

 -Raw Honey is great to use in low amounts as a natural sweetener.
-Add a tablespoon (or less) to your favorite Organic Teas or try my Healthy Fat Energy Balls!
-Can help reduce allergies, especially if you use Raw Honey made locally.
-Can be used topically for wound healing and also combined with tea tree oil for an acne face wash.
(2 Tbsp Raw Honey + 5 drops Tea Tree Oil, rub on your face, leave on for one minute, then rinse off.)

*should avoid if you have blood sugar problems, cancer, or are allergic to bees.*

“Honey is a remedy for all diseases.” – Mohammed

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