PantryPic #680: Pink Himalayan Salt

-Pink Himalayan Salt
-One of the healthiest salts that our body actually needs (unlike processed salt).

-Contains 84 trace minerals for bone health, heart health, nerve functioning, and more! 

-Incorporate into your Recipes to help regulate your cellular fluids, boost your adrenal health, and even avoid bloating!
Why buy salted nuts/seeds when you can add healthy salt yourself?  Like on your PUMPKIN SEEDS!

Scott's Simple Solution2
Scott’s Simple Solution (click for recipe)
Overnight Loaded Oats Nut Free
Overnight Loaded Steel Cut Oats Recipe: (Nut-Free Version)
poached eggs, avo, turmeric
Poached Eggs with Turmeric, Black Pepper, Pink Salt & Avocado
Trail Mix
Pecans, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, & Goji Berries