-Probiotic Supplement.
-Helpful when looking to rebalance your gut flora to improve your health.
-High quality probiotic supplements generally must be sold and stored refrigerated
(However, one of the many benefits of Mercola’s Probiotic is that it is stable at room temperature so it does not need refrigeration).
-Different strains of probiotic cultures are believed to have different specific benefits.
(Certain strains of probiotics support immunity, others digestion, and some even help burn fat and balance hormones).
-While many companies now produce probiotics, the majority of them are ineffective at best.
Most probiotic supplements today are destroyed by your stomach acid before they ever get to your digestive tract.
-Depending on your current level of health a Probiotic can cause different levels of detoxification responses as your body acclimates.
-It is wise to start with a low dosage and slowly build yourself up.
-It is generally recommended to consume approx 50 billion CFUs/day (colony forming units)
depending on your health level, goals, and considering what other fermented/probiotic foods you consume daily.
-Timing: Probiotics are best taken on an empty stomach 1-3 hours before Meal #1 or after your last meal of the day.
“You are what you digest.”
Since 80% of the immune system resides on the gut wall and 99% of serotonin is produced in the gut, it is no wonder why we believe a ‘Happy Gut = Happy Health’.

*always consult your doctor prior to starting any supplementation.*
+it is a good habit to smell your supplements to be sure they are high quality (odorless).