Weight-Loss, Muscle Gain, Healthy Gut, AND Better Skin?!?!

There are over 28 different types of Collagen, all which have different roles in the body, and this connective tissue is vital for healthy joints, muscle, intestines, skin, hair, teeth and more! Recent research has led to a surge of Collagen supplements hitting the market, and it is possible to find supplements that specifically target a type of Collagen you are seeking for a specific health goal. However, if you are looking for a simple way to generally increase your overall Collagen production…look to Bone Broth to help!

The Collagen in Bone Broth has been shown to:

  • Contain high levels of the amino acid, Glycine, which is important for our production of bile salts by the liver. This helps us to emulsify all the healthy fats we eat so they can be absorbed. Glycine is also needed to help balance out the high levels of Methionine that we consume when eating lots of meats, so that we can help avoid dis-ease. Glycine is also important for improving muscle flexibility and range of motion.
  • Encourage the generation and building of muscle fibers. As our muscles are stimulated to grow we generate Satellite Cells as the precursor to new muscle cells. These Satellite Cells require Collagen in order to allow them to bind to the muscle sheath and create new muscle fibers. 
  • Aid in the healing of Leaky Gut Syndrome. Consuming Bone Broth can provide the Collagen needed to help seal a Leaky Gut and promote digestive health, which is vital for your immune system, serotonin production, nutrient absorption, & overall health. Using Bone Broth at the end of your Intermittent Fasting window is ideal when you are looking to improve your gut health.

Bone Broth can easily be incorporated into the diet by using it in your soup recipes, substituting for stock in a crock-pot recipe, or simply sipping it warm (or cold).

However, it is important to note that in order to increase your absorption of Collagen, you should consume Bone Broth with a source of Vitamin C. This could be accomplished by making sure your meal contains Spinach, Kale, Kiwi, Strawberries, etc; but an even simpler tip is to add Lemon Juice!  This burst of Vitamin C will help to make sure you are getting the most out of your Collagen-Consuming efforts. Plus, Vitamin C can help drive down cortisol levels which will boost your thyroid function, increase fat-burning, and build healthy skin!

Note: If you have low stomach acid then your body will not be absorbing Collagen from foods well. This issue should be addressed first as it will likely be manifesting as Acid-Reflux (GERD), Iron or B12 Deficiency, Acne, Eczema, Rosacea, Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Lupus, or other digestive & autoimmune conditions.

For Bone Broth shopping tips, healthy recipes, and product suggestions check out your Customized Pantry Pics!