2019 Dirty Dozen/Clean 15

EWG’s 2019 Dirty Dozen/Clean 15 is here!

The Environmental Working Group just released the 2019 Dirty Dozen/Clean 15 list so that you know which fruits and vegetables contain the highest pesticide residues (and therefore should only be purchased when Organic), and which foods are the lowest offenders:


Remember, if your body cannot metabolize a substance (including pesticides), then it will be stored as fat!

Let’s discuss how weight loss is a natural side effect of detoxifying your body during your next Consultation Call!


Just wanted to take a minute to wish you all a Happy New Year
and thank you for the incredible support throughout 2017.

Let’s take a moment to think about our Health & Fitness Resolutions
and how we can make you feel younger by January 2019.

I would be honored to take you on as a client and guide you in the journey to your new-and-improved self!

Scott’s Superfood Shake

What do I put in MY breakfast shake?

Watch this recipe in action and learn how each of these 10 ingredients
has amazing properties that can really boost your energy and your health!

Unsweetened Coconut Milk, Coconut Water, Maca Powder, Cacao Powder,
Whey Protein Concentrate, Ground Flax Seeds, Greens (Celery, Cucumber, Spinach, Kale),
Lemon Juice, Blueberries, and 
Scott’s Famous Nut Butter.

 And don’t forget to sign-up for your individualized Nutrition Plan
so I can design shake recipes that are specific to YOUR needs and YOUR goals!