-Organic Kale.
-Classified by leaf type: Curly, Plain, Leaf & Spear, Dinosaur Kale (aka Black Cabbage).
-Most people don’t think of Kale as a protein source or healthy fat,
but it contains all 9 essential amino acids and has more Omega-3 than Omega-6 fat
(which is very rare in nature).
-Loaded with Vitamins A,C,& K, Calcium and Magnesium.
-One serving contains 26mg of Lutein and Zeaxanthin which are important for eye health
(and would cost approx $1 in supplement form).
-Can grow as high as 6-7 feet tall in the right conditions.
-Mix up the nutrient bioavailability by sometimes using raw kale in salads or SHAKES,
and sometimes steaming, sautéeing, or adding to soups.
-Make a quick and healthy snack with my Classic Kale Chips Recipe!

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