PantryPic #151: Kale

-Organic Kale.
-Classified by leaf type: Curly, Plain, Leaf & Spear, Dinosaur Kale (aka Black Cabbage).
-Most people don’t think of Kale as a protein source or healthy fat,
but it contains all 9 essential amino acids and has more Omega-3 than Omega-6 fat
(which is very rare in nature).
-Loaded with Vitamins A,C,& K, Calcium and Magnesium.
-One serving contains 26mg of Lutein and Zeaxanthin which are important for eye health
(and would cost approx $1 in supplement form).
-Can grow as high as 6-7 feet tall in the right conditions.

 -Mix up the nutrient bioavailability by sometimes using raw kale in salads or SHAKES,
and sometimes steaming, sautéeing, or adding to soups.
-Make a quick and healthy snack with my Classic Kale Chips Recipe

Kale, Carrot, Macadamia, Pumpkin Seeds, Pomegranate Seeds
Kale Salad with Carrots, Pumpkin Seeds, Macadamia Nuts, & Pomegranate Seeds

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Scott’s Famous Nut Butter

  My secret recipe is a no longer a secret!

  See how I make Scott’s Famous Nut Butter
  and learn about all the health benefits of these 4 ingredients:

  • 1 Cup (112g) Walnuts
  • 1.5 Cups (180g) Almonds
  • 3/4 Cup (90g) Sunflower Seeds
  • 3 Tbsp (42g) Coconut Oil
  • Pink Himalayan Salt (optional)

Add to food processor or blender, puree until creamy, store in fridge and enjoy!

-Learn all about WHY coconut oil can help you burn fat
and improve your health: tWtWtW:Coconut Oil

-See how you can add Scott’s Famous Nut Butter to your
Superfood Shake!

…And don’t forget to purchase your individualized Nutrition Plan to make sure
you correctly incorporate this recipe into your diet
so that you get the results you have always wanted!


Sunflower Seed Butter

 Healthy Fats, just 2 ingredients…it doesn’t get any easier than this!

 Watch this recipe in action and learn how sunflower seeds and coconut oil
 combine to make a great tasting snack that can really boost your nutrition:

  • 3 1/4 Cups (390g) Organic Sunflower Seeds
  • 3 Tbsp (42g) Organic Coconut Oil
  • Pink Himalayan Salt (optional)

Add to food processor or blender, puree until creamy, store in fridge and enjoy!

-Learn more about WHY coconut oil can help you burn fat
and improve your health: tWtWtW:Coconut Oil

-Check out my similar recipes for:
Pumpkin Seed Butter
Scott’s Famous Nut Butter! 

…And don’t forget to purchase your individualized Nutrition Plan to make sure
you correctly incorporate this recipe into your diet
so that you get the results you have always wanted!


Pumpkin Seed Butter

Try this Recipe for Pumpkin Seed Butter to get those Healthy Omega-3 Fats,
tons of nutrients, and of course…more Coconut Oil!

To see this recipe in action and find out all the health benefits of these ingredients, check out this video:

  • 3 Cups (390g) Organic & Raw Pumpkin Seeds
  • 2 Tbsp (28g) Organic Coconut Oil
  • 1 tsp (2.6g) Organic Cinnamon
  • 1 Tbsp (21g) Organic & Raw Honey
  • Pink Himalayan Salt (optional)

Add to food processor or blender, puree until creamy, store in fridge and enjoy!

Find out how PUMPKIN SEEDS can give a boost to your diet!

Learn why COCONUT OIL is the superfood of all superfoods!

…And don’t forget to purchase your individualized Nutrition Plan so you can have a
PROfessional Diet Plan that PROduces Your Results!



Salad Dressing – Just 3 Ingredients!

Hemp Seed Oil is a near perfect ratio of Omega 6s:Omega 3s…

Find out why this is so important for your health and why you should ditch
that store-bought salad dressing in this quick video recipe:

Can’t find a high-quality Olive Oil? Don’t worry, check out the updated recipe HERE.

Learn WHY there is so much hype surrounding APPLE CIDER VINEGAR.  

      Is your diet sabotaging your results and your health?

      Purchase a Nutrition Plan subscription so that you can have a customized
   nutrition plan that will give you small changes to promote BIG results!

Are your Hygiene Products making you Fat?

Chemical overload will certainly stress the body…causing increased cortisol, decreased thyroid, and slowly affect your long-term health.
Look for safe hygiene products for you and your family and your health will thank you.

Get your questions answered and learn how small changes can add up to BIG results during your next Consultation session.